Donating and Recycling Solar Panels

Donating Solar Panels

Solar panel donation is possible and can benefit worthy recipients if done thoughtfully by assessing the panels’ condition, recipient’s capabilities, costs, tax implications, and long-term responsibilities.

Used solar panels may still have a productive life if they are well-maintained and not too old. Donating can allow them to be reused.

Nonprofits, schools, communities lacking access to electricity, and disaster relief efforts are some examples of recipients who may benefit from donated solar panels.

Before donating, the donor must ensure the panels meet current safety and performance standards. Older panels may not be compatible with new systems.

Transportation costs need to be considered for donating panels. Shipping heavy solar panels long distances can be expensive.

Installation of the donated panels is also a cost to factor in for the recipient. Proper installation by qualified professionals is important.

Depending on appraisal and documentation, tax deductions may be available for the value of donated solar panels. The donor should consult a tax advisor.

It’s best for donors to thoroughly vet potential recipients and ensure they have the means to use and maintain the solar panel donation properly.

Donating panels for reuse helps avoid panels being disposed of prematurely. However, eventual proper recycling is still recommended when panels reach the end of life.

Where to Donate or Recycle Solar Panels


You can search for solar panel recycling options on the following organizations’ websites: 

Recycling Solar Panel

Solar panels are mostly made of glass, aluminum, and silicon – all materials that can be recycled.

Panels typically last 25-30 years before needing replacement. Proper disposal and recycling at end-of-life is important.

Solar panel recycling processes involve dismantling the panels and separating the materials. Glass can be crushed and recycled. Metals like aluminum and copper can be separated and recycled.

The solar industry is working on creating a sustainable, efficient solar panel recycling infrastructure. This includes recycling regulations and requirements in many states.

Recycling options are increasing but still limited. Some solar panel manufacturers and installers offer recycling programs. Some areas have solar panel recycling services as well.

Recycling costs can be a barrier, so policies requiring manufacturers to collect and recycle old panels can help. Extended producer responsibility helps ensure proper end-of-life recycling.

Research is ongoing into improving recycling processes and reducing costs to maximize the recovery of valuable materials from old solar panels.

Proper solar panel disposal and recycling are critical for sustaining the growth of solar power and reducing waste. Continued focus on recycling policies, infrastructure and technology will benefit the industry and environment long-term.

Solar Insure’s Solar Donation Program

Solar Insure is proud to announce the launch of our donation program.

Solar Insure is on a mission to showcase that solar is for everyone!

We will provide a life-changing solar panel system to one deserving Orange County resident who would greatly benefit from financial pressure alleviation, social justice, and equality.

If you’re someone in the Orange County area who thinks they would benefit greatly from a solar donation, please fill in the form below.